Orin's Inspiration:
 Being Your Authentic Self
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Series Title: Orin's Divine Will Series-Will 6
Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Sanaya and Orin
Contains: 19 Meditations, Talks
Music by: Thaddeus
Length: Approximately 7.5 hours

MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.

Audio, PDF Manual with Transcripts
Product Number: DW916
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Inspiration: Being Your Authentic Self

Information Below:
Be Your Authentic Self
Work with Divine Will to Be Authentic Self
Clear Obstacles to Being Your Authentic Self
Receive Seeds of Inspiration
Receive a Seed of Inspiration Right Now
Offer Seeds of New Consciousness to Humanity
Titles of Orin's Guided Meditations in This Course
How to Know if You Are Ready for This Course

Be Your Authentic Self
In this Divine Will in-depth course series, originally taught as a live seminar, Orin will lead you on many journeys to be your authentic Self.  As your authentic Self, you are inspired, full of energy and enthusiasm. You have self-confidence, clarity, and vision. You experience a harmonious, peaceful, and abundant life. Your visions, ideas, and thoughts uplift you. You know that you are perfect just as you are.

You can experience an enormous shift in your life as you increase your awareness of the essence of your being, your soul and Divine Self within you. Orin leads you on journeys to connect with your soul and Divine Self, building a bridge of light (also called the rainbow bridge) so you can experience more of the consciousness of your innermost Self as who you are in ordinary reality. Through this connection, you can become aware of the highest light within you that is guiding your life, letting your inner light shine more radiantly than ever before.

Work with Divine Will to Increase Your Ability to Be Your Authentic Self
Orin leads you on guided meditations to draw a quality of Divine Will called the Will to Cause into your life that brings the power to recognize and release lesser desires and other obstacles to fulfilling your divine purpose.

Working with Divine Will makes it easier to orient your life to the light. You can have more self-confidence, clarity, vision, and a greater ability to express love and wisdom. If you have not studied Divine Will before, read about what Divine Will is.

The Will to Cause helps you to desire soul qualities and turn upward toward the light with a more one-pointed focus on your spiritual unfoldment, greatly accelerating your spiritual growth and the harmony, abundance, joy, and peace you can experience. You will receive energy from the Will to Cause to assist you in deepening qualities such as receptivity to spiritual guidance, optimism, hope, enthusiasm, and self-esteem.

Other spiritual qualities that this Will can bring are purity, perfection, serenity, detachment, spiritual poise, devotion, peace, and humility. You will be receiving energy that assists you in realizing greater love, compassion, intuition, tolerance, and reverence. Strengthening your connection to this Will enhances endurance and fearlessness. As you experience more of these qualities, you will find your life richer in every way. 

Clear Obstacles to Being Your True, Authentic Self
You will be guided to recognize and release whatever has kept you from being your true, authentic Self, such as fear of being punished for doing what feels right to you, or fear that someone will not love you if you do. You can have the courage to follow new directions and to let go of old paths that no longer serve you. You can set boundaries that honor you. You can match how you act with how you feel inside. You can speak your truth. You can more easily stop taking on negative energy from others and detach from their desires. You can be free to know and choose what is best for you. You can be true to yourself, to your values, and to your path, no matter what others feel you should do.

You will learn powerful ways to identify and clear obstacles to being your true Self, including releasing doubts, ambiguity, limiting self-images, fears, other people's desires and expectations, situations and circumstances that no longer serve you, and emotions that veil your inner light. You can move out of stuck places; discover your deepest soul urges, your dreams and higher purpose; and have the inspiration and energy to create them.

Dissolving Imperfections to Your Divine Pattern
You will work with the white flame of purification that brings your emotional body to the perfection, purity, and stillness of its divine pattern. The white flame moves through the atoms in your body, removing the imperfections that have kept you from being your authentic Self. As you release these imperfections, you are building an aura that can deflect the discordance and disharmony of the outer world, so that you can better experience the peace of your Divine Self.

Receive Seeds of Inspiration
Throughout this course, you will be guided to receive seeds of inspiration from your Divine Self. These seeds are kernels of living power and energy that unfold the divine plan of your life. These seeds contain within them all the inspiration, energy, motivation, supply, vision, enthusiasm, circumstances, insights, guidance, and light needed to unfold perfectly. These seeds of inspiration and consciousness bring the courage and strength to follow new directions and to let go of old paths that no longer serve you. They contain keys that open doors to certain realizations and expansions of consciousness.

Unfold the Seed of Divinity Within You
Some of the seeds you will work with start with the most important one of all, the seed of Divinity that is unfolding within you. As you unfold this seed to its next level, you can strengthen your ability to release anything that has kept you from acknowledging your divinity.

You will receive seeds inspiration to awaken divine Love, to better love yourself and others. You will be gifted with seeds of inspiration that assist you in experiencing more commitment, steadfastness, determination, and dedication to the realization of the Divine Self as who you are. As this realization increases, struggle, suffering, battles, resistance, obstacles, and limitations increasingly fall away.

Accept Seeds, Living Energy that Unfolds Your Divine Qualities
Your Divine Self will offer you seeds of devotion to assist you in unfolding your divinity; knowing your true nature; embodying your highest ideals; living in truth; and realizing the divine love, wisdom, power, beauty, and perfection that is who you are. You can accept the seed of being one-pointed to aid you in moving forward in every area of your life in the most efficient way and to eliminate unnecessary paths.

The divine seed of endurance and other divine seeds will help you to have the ability to sustain over time, to persist, to not be deterred, to have a steady focus, to turn away from distractions, and to move through all obstacles to being your Divine Self and in everything you do. Divine seeds of fearlessness will assist you in having the courage to face the void and the unknown, to move into new areas of expansion, light, and experience.

You will be offered the divine seed of spiritual vision that opens, in a balanced and harmonious way, all centers of spiritual vision within you. You will open to receive seeds that bring receptivity to and trust in your spiritual guidance and that will assist you in tuning out mass consciousness thoughts, fears, and doubts, so that you are better attuned to the spiritual guidance and intuitive insights coming form the higher levels of your being.

You will receive divine seeds of freedom, living energy forms that contain within them all you need to be free from everything that has kept you bound to a lower vibration - thoughts, concepts, beliefs, emotions, attachments, and desires, so that you are ready to live with a new level of freedom. Seeds of inner stillness, patience, and balance are offered to you to bring you these divine qualities.

What You Can Do Right Now: Receive a Seed of Inspiration
Receive a seed of inspiration to begin right now opening to new possibilities for your life. Get quiet for a moment and sense your soul. Imagine Orin and your guides with you. Think of an area of your life you would like a new thought, possibility, or insight about.

Then, mentally ask for a seed of inspiration, a seed of new consciousness for this area. Know that your request has been heard, and that you are receiving this seed of new consciousness into your heart center where it may unfold perfectly. Know that a seed of living power and energy has been sent to you from your Divine Self as you requested.

As this seed opens up it contains all the energy, motivation, vision, enthusiasm, circumstances, divine qualities, insights, guidance, and light needed to unfold perfectly and to give you inspiration in this area of your life. This seed brings the courage and strength you need to follow new directions and to let go of old paths that no longer serve you. It brings the spiritual vision and insights you need to hear and follow the guidance your Divine Self is always sending you.

Offering Seeds of New Consciousness to Humanity
Each of you who is called to participate has a quality of energy that will greatly contribute to the shift into higher consciousness that the group is holding for humanity, and that will continue throughout time, growing stronger with each person who joins. Each of you called to participate will find that being a part of this group awakening will enable you to make a greater shift than is possible when working alone. As the course progresses, your ability to experience and express your true Self will grow.

A quality of Divine Consciousness will transmitted to you as you take allow you to express more of your authentic Self, a quality that enhances your ability to live an inspired life. There will be many opportunities during each meditation to be touched by this potent new consciousness and light. You will know a shift has occurred; it may feel as if the veils are falling away and your true Self is being revealed. You may feel your inner light radiating outward with a power and presence you have never before experienced.

As each of you reaches a new realization of this inner, eternal, infinite, and endless light that is your true, authentic Self, there will be an opportunity to offer to humanity all that you have gained as seeds of new consciousness. During many of the meditations you will radiate the expansions of consciousness you have just experienced to your friends and loved ones, and to everyone in the world who is in resonance with this energy and who can benefit from it.

Receive Transmissions From Orin and the Beings of Light
As you listen to the guided meditations in this course, you will receive energy from Orin, many beings of light, your soul, Solar Angel, and Divine Self to take a quantum leap in your spiritual growth and your ability to be, to know, and to act as your true, authentic Self. You will work with a world teacher of love who radiates a quality of love, light, and consciousness that will greatly assist you in expanding and revealing your inner light. During the guided meditations, these beings will be working with you to open the space for you to have the greatest possible shifts. 

Experience the Power of Working Together With a Group, Receive a New Quality of Divine Consciousness
Each of you who is called to participate has a quality of energy that will greatly contribute to the shift into higher consciousness that everyone studying these energies are holding for humanity, and that will continue throughout time, growing stronger with each person who joins. Each of you called to participate will find that being a part of this group awakening will enable you to make a greater shift than is possible when working alone. As the course progresses, your ability to experience and express your true Self will grow.

A new quality of Divine Consciousness is transmitted to you throughout this course. This new quality of Divine Consciousness will allow you to express more of your authentic Self. It is a quality of consciousness that brings the ability to live an inspired life. There will be many opportunities during each meditation to be touched by this potent new consciousness and light. You will know a shift has occurred; it may feel as if the veils are falling away and your true Self is being revealed. You may feel your inner light radiating outward with a power and presence you have never before experienced.

Experiencing a New Consciousness
As you open to the light of your Divine Self, you can experience the new consciousness this makes possible. You can dissolve the boundaries of your personal self and merge into the one great light of the All-That-Is. You can infinitely expand and transcend all past boundaries and limitations. With this alignment your sense of omniscience - all knowing and all-wisdom, your sense of omnipotence-all power, and the sense of oneness and divine Love-omnipresence, expands. Layer after layer of feelings of separation between you and the All-That-Is dissolves, so you can better know who you are and claim the power, love, light, wisdom, peace, harmony, joy, abundance, as who you are.

Be Your True, Divine, Authentic Self through Orin's 19 Guided Meditations called:
1. Setting Intentions–Expanding Your Potential
2. Preparing Your Subpersonalities
3. Transforming Emotions
4. Becoming a Soul-Infused Personality
5. Working with Your Solar Angel
6. Divinity–Discovering Your True Nature
7. Divine Love–Transforming the Way You Love
8. Illumination–Orienting to the Highest Light
9. Inspiration–Receiving Divine Energy
10. Realization–Sustaining Awareness of Who You Are   
11. Vision–Receiving Clear Spiritual Guidance
12. Perfection–Realizing the Truth of Who You Are
13. Freedom–Dissolving Limitations and Obstacles
14. Peace–Calming Your Emotional Body
15. Expansion–Opening Up the Roles You Play
16. Transformation–Embodying Divine Qualities
(Visiting the Divine Inspiration Seed Nursery)
17. Transcendence–Becoming Your Authentic Self
18. Oneness–Birthing a New Consciousness
19. Liberation–Being Your Divine Self Around Others

How to know if you are ready for this course
Orin and many beings of light, have put out an inner call to those of you who are ready for this shift. You can know that you are ready for the shift being offered by your desire to participate in it. You may have an inner knowingness that this is an important step to take to become more of your true Self -- to realize more joy, love, wisdom, intelligence, creativity, harmony, and peace in your life.

Know that everything you have done in the past has been an integral part of building the foundation for taking this step you are being offered. As you listen to these journeys and take this course, the door will be held wide open for you to walk through to a new consciousness. If this is the appropriate opportunity for you, everything you need to participate will be supplied by the universe. Your guides, Solar Angel, soul, inner teachers, and Divine Self always bring you all you need to participate in every opportunity that is the right one for you. Course consists of 19 audio meditations by Orin and talks by Sanaya.  Music is by Thaddeus. 

The Orin journeys are the same as those in DaBen and Orin’s Inspiration course. If you are a light body graduate, you can order the DaBen and Orin version of this course.

PDF booklet with transcripts is an online product (there is no printed version that will be sent to you). The PDF for this product will appear in your Member's Area under "My Downloads" after purchase for you to view online, or to print.

More Orin Divine Will courses
MM050 product imageTransforming Your Life with Divine Will
If you would like to learn and work with all seven Divine Wills, you can learn them in this course.  Orin will give you an overview of the 7 Divine Wills, and learn how to call upon each of the 7 Great Ones transmitting Divine Will to transform your life and consciousness.  Gain more spiritual power, initiate new awareness, awaken spiritual vision, evolve your consciousness, expand your wisdom, let go of battles, deepen your intuition, have illumined thoughts, follow the highest light within you, and create heaven on earth. Course consists of 12 audio meditations by Orin and extensive written material.  

DW917 product imageWill 7: Divine Manifesting with the 7 Divine Wills–Becoming a Master of Manifesting
Part 1: Manifesting as Your Divine Self
Part 2 Becoming a Master of Manifesting
These 2 courses work together to teach you how to link with your Divine Self and all 7 qualities of Divine Will to manifest abundance, well-being, your spiritual path, and all that you are guided to create. This is Orin's most powerful and transformative course on manifesting, and it has created profound results for people who have worked with the processes taught. 

DW915 product imageWill 5: Illumination–Awakening Your Higher Mind
Link with the 5th quality of Divine Will to link your mind with your higher mind and Universal Mind for an illumined mind.  Experience the infinite perfection, beauty, and truth that is your birthright. Claim your unlimited abundance and experience joy, harmony, good health, loving relationships, and peace.  Let your thoughts lead to your liberation, freedom, and enlightenment. Course consists of 10 Orin journeys and talks by Sanaya.

Information About Orin Seminars and Orin's Newest Course, 
Connecting with Your Guide: Receiving Clear Guidance

There are currently no scheduled Orin live seminars.  Please read more about DaBen's current seminars for information.

You can read about Orin's newest course Connecting with Your Guide, Receiving Clear Guidance (C201).  This course will assist you in making a good, clear, strong connection to a guide whose purpose is to assist you in receiving clear guidance, either directly into your mind, or through channel aloud. You will then learn more about how guidance comes about, how to view the bigger picture, see into the details, go out into time, and get guidance so clear that you can take action on it.

Orin has a new series of audio courses called Orin's Path of Self-Realization audio courses.  This is a major work by Orin that has been several years in the making.  This is composed of three series of courses so far: 
Orin's Transcending Your Ego courses (six volumes, with 72 guided journeys and manuals). You can read a short description of all six at this link.
Orin's Becoming Your Divine Self courses (three volumes, with 36 guided meditations and manuals). 
Orin's newest course:  Asking and Receiving from Your Divine Self

Announcement by Sanaya About Future Events With Orin
As you can read in Orin's message about the path he is offering, all of his work from his first book and audio course, to his current work, is offering a step-by-step path for you to realize the Divine Self, the true Self as who you are.  Read Orin's Path of Self Realization. Realize that the key to Self Realization is in your hands. You have the ability to realize your full potential, to become a fully realized Self. When you are ready, Orin and all of the guides and inner teachers are there to assist you. All you need will be provided for the next phase of your journey to Self Realization. ~Sanaya

Divine Will Free Articles on Our Website

Read what others say they have gained from Studying Divine Will
Read an overview of all of Orin's Divine Will Courses
What is Divine Will and general Divine Will Information.
Align with Divine Will in Orin's Four Alignments Exercises.
Sanaya's story of teaching Divine Will
Orin's introduction to Divine Will
Just starting Divine Will?  Read Preparatory Information.
Orin's Divine Will Study Group
Orin's Path of Self Realization to assist you in understanding more about the spiritual path that Orin is offering and to aid you in choosing what courses might be most useful to you right now.

Orin's channeling on Divine Will and the new energies
Go here for information on teaching Divine Will classes.

Articles on Higher Self, Soul, and Divine Self

What is the Higher Self, Soul, and Divine Self
Why Contact Your Divine Self
Contacting Your Divine Self, What is the Divine Self

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