Basic Awakening Your Light Body:
 Part 5 Awakening Your Light Body
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Series Title: Awakening Your Light Body Part 5 of 6
Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: DaBen and Orin
Contains: 12 Guided Meditations
Music by: Thaddeus
Length: Approximately 4.5 hours
Prerequisites: LB114

MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.

Audio, PDF Manual with Transcripts
Product Number: LB115
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Awakening Your Light Body Part 5: Awakening Your Light Body

Congratulations on awakening your 7 vibrational energy body centers! You are now ready to awaken your 3 light body centers. In the first four parts of this course, you learned the physical ease, emotional flow, and mental fluidity; and learned how to create enough harmony in the Renawre cocoon to make this step possible.

This next step represents a fairly large vibrational shift from the experiences you had with the vibrational energy bodies, and the spaces that open up. As you work with the first light body center, the Fullonia, in this part, DaBen leads you into new, higher and more expanded spaces, and further develops your ability to sense subtle energies in ways that are possible only because of all the work you have done in the previous parts of this course. Enjoy!

You have learned the 7 vibrational energy body centers and now it is time to start awakening your 3 light body centers! In Part 5, DaBen transmits to you the sounds and frequencies that awaken your first 2 light body centers. When awakened, these centers can assist you in experiencing states of joy, inner visualizations, feelings, and sensations that are beautiful beyond words.

Orin will guide you to experience and meet the soul of the earth to view life from the earth's perspective.

You will learn how to connect soul-to-soul with loved ones to transform your relationships and to radiate light to others. You will "breathe with the universe" and journey into the oneness. You can learn how to exist both in this dimension and also be aware of other dimensions you exist in at the same time as your greatly expanded Self.

You will journey to the Temple of the Masters to clear, purify, and add higher frequencies to your aura. Learn how to become a source of light, and call to you those who can respond to the light you are radiating – friends, loved ones, students, and the beings of light. If you should choose to do so, prepare to become a powerful worker of the light and a spiritual leader, teacher, or healer.

Part 5 contains 12 DaBen and Orin audio journeys approximately 21-30 minutes each. Course comes with manual with instructions, extensive information, and transcripts of the journeys.

Prerequisites: Our goal is for you to be successful with this course.  Part 5 Awakening Your Light Body is the 5th part of a 6 part series.  Because it is important to understand the Light Body skills learned in Parts 1 through 4 to be able to work with and understand the light body skills taught in Part 5, we require that you study this 6 part course in sequence.

Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 6 Becoming Radiant

In Part 6, Becoming Radiant, LB116 Product ImageDaBen transmits to you the energies that awaken the final light body center.  This center works together with the first two light body centers you learn in Part 5 to awaken your light body. This light body center is one that opens you to experiences of incredible bliss and beauty. This center connects you directly with light, and brings in light from the higher dimensions. It regulates, filters, and integrates light as you bring it in. You can become a radiating source of light as you open and work with this center. This light body center enhances your ability to experience the oneness. 

Using the light body centers, you will journey into the void and explore other dimensions.  You will learn how to build the cord upward to your soul so you can experience more of your soul's reality and experience your soul in new ways. You will travel into the Mind of God, the All-That-Is, to explore the nature of the universe. You will work with your personality to help it hold, in a balanced way, the enormity of the perspective you are gaining of the universe, your soul, your purpose, and the many insights you may have as you experience the universe in new ways.

With the awakening of this center you are taking an evolutionary leap and your personal power, ability to change your environment, positively affect others, and exist in higher states of consciousness is increased.

Part 6 contains 14 DaBen and Orin audio journeys approximately 21-30 minutes each. Course comes with manual with instructions, extensive information, and transcripts of the journeys.

Awakening Your Light Body Path InformationWith completion of all six volumes, you are eligible for Graduate Light Body courses:
When you finish all 6 Parts of this series, you are considered to be an Awakening Your Light Body graduate. Click on the small color graph "Awakening Your Light Body Path Information" for a study guide that explains the light body path and how the graduate courses relate to each other. 

You are eligible to attend Light Body Graduate Seminars
Upon graduation, you are eligible to attend live graduate light body seminars and experience the power of a group running the energy together.  People find the energy at a seminar to be very uplifting, and seminar participants are very welcoming and friendly.  Read about DaBen's current live seminars, and seminar dates. Read information about attending a seminar for the first time.  You can also take the seminars remotely, from your home.

Becoming a Sponsor or Teacher:
Upon graduation, when you complete Part 6 of this course, you are welcome to sponsor others or teach classes using your journeys. Information about Sponsoring is in the manual that comes with this course.  If you want to become a Light Body Teacher, which means you will be transmitting the sounds of the centers as DaBen does, and teach live courses, you will need to take DaBen and Orin's, or your teacher's Radiance: Transmitting Light teacher's course as well as complete DaBen or your teacher's Radiance: Self–Exciting course. In the Radiance: Transmitting Light Teacher's course, you will learn how to awaken people's light bodies as DaBen is doing by transmitting energy and the sounds of the centers.

Note from Sanaya and Duane to Light Body Graduates

If you have not yet given us your email address, need to change your email address, or if we do not know you are a light body graduate, please create a membership, log-in and let us know about you and to receive our free newsletter.  You can also sign our Guestbook to let us know about you and to receive our free newsletter. All information you give us is confidential; we never share or sell your contact information.