Ceremonies of Initiation:
Part 3: Awakening the Thousand Petalled Lotus
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Series Title: Ceremonies of Initiation Part 3 of 3
Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: DaBen and Orin
Contains: 20 Meditations, Talks
Music by: Thaddeus/Michael Hammer
Length: Approximately 9 hours
Prerequisites: LB116

MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.

Audio, PDF Booklet with Transcripts
Product Number: LB913
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Ceremonies of Initiation: Awakening the Thousand-Petalled Lotus

You can read Orin's message about an initiation, including what is an initiation, why take an initiation, and how these courses will assist you in preparing to take an initiation.

In the Ceremonies of Initiation, the last of three courses on initiation, you will work with awakening your head center, the thousand–petaled lotus.  This is the center that knows the Higher Will and lives in harmony with the universe.  It opens you to the higher mind of your soul, adds wisdom to love, and lights the way for others.  This is the center that knows your soul's will.

Orin will lead you on journeys to travel to the soul plane, to meet and to blend with your soul, and to begin the process of awakening the light in your head so you can see your life through your soul's eyes.  You will learn ways to work with your third eye so you can look at various choices through your soul's eyes, see into time, and sense more clearly your higher choices.  You will also learn ways to transmit to others to assist them in awakening to their soul's vision.  Orin will show you ways to transform your Solar plexus center so your personal will is more in alignment with your soul's will and the Higher Will.

You will work with your mental permanent atom, the “seed” of your mental body, building on the work you did in the Ceremonies of Light, to let the thoughts, ideas, and light of the “mind of God” flow into your mental body.  A refined mental body has more positive, loving thoughts, comprehends more of the bigger picture of your life, and receives ideas more clearly from the Universal Mind.

You will learn how to bring your soul's energy through your voice to channel your soul so you can receive your soul's advice and feel its love for you.  You will meet and work with your personal sponsor or guide who has been waiting for this time to assist you to take this initiation. DaBen will be transmitting many of the self-exciting and frequency skills, as well as transmitting states that go far beyond these, including the beginning states of Oneness.

In a final and transformative journey of Initiation, Orin calls upon the Great Being of Light, who gives this initiation of the head center, to apply the Rod of Initiation, stabilizing the gains you have made, stimulating your chakras to awaken, and assisting you in living as your soul.

This course was originally taught as a live seminar and was the result of a year of concentrated focus by Orin and DaBen.  During the live event, a vortex of energy was created that still exists and is growing even stronger over time, as each person participates.  This vortex of energy provides you with an established base of energy that supports the shifts being offered in this course. As you listen to these journeys, you will be joining with the group who took this course in person.  Orin and DaBen tell us that in their reality there is no time, and that they are aware of every one of you as you listen.  Orin and DaBen transmit to you as you work with these journeys.  All the beings of light who were present at the live seminar will be with you when you listen to the journeys.

Course contains 20 meditations by Orin and DaBen and talks by Sanaya and Duane. Music by Michael Hammer

Note: The audio meditations on this album were made prior to digital recording, and have a higher "hiss" or static background due to the older technology. In addition, back in the days of tape it was almost impossible to remove background noises such as coughing, etc. We felt the experiences offered by Orin and DaBen were important enough to continue to make these older recordings available. The newer technology used on our more recent products is studio quality and is digitally mastered and edited.

PDF booklet with transcripts is an online product (there is no printed version that will be sent to you). The PDF for this product will appear in your Member's Area under "My Downloads" after purchase for you to view online, or to print.

Prerequisites To understand DaBen's instructions and experience the wonderful expanded states of consciousness he offers, you need to be an Awakening Your Light Body graduate with knowledge of the 7 vibrational energy and 3 light body centers as taught by DaBen through Duane Packer. 

Ceremonies of Light:Part 1 Awakening to Solar Light

lb911In DaBen and Orin's Ceremonies of Light, the first of three courses on initiation, you will ­prepare to take the initiation that awakens your throat center. You will journey to the soul plane to meet and work with the Solar light–the light of higher purpose and transformation. You will call upon and receive transmissions from the Great Ones who can assist you in taking your next steps toward reaching enlightenment. You will work with your soul to awaken those chakras that assist you in knowing and in manifesting your higher purpose. You will meet your personal sponsor or guide who has been waiting to assist you to take this initiation of light.

Orin will lead you to blend with your soul, and from this high space, work with your soul and the Solar light to transform your mental permanent atom. This is the “seed” of your mental body that exists in your soul’s body. As you add Solar light to this mental permanent atom it can help you create a new mental body that is more able to receive clearer impressions from the higher mind of your soul.

In addition, you will add Solar light to your emotional permanent atom, the “seed” of your emotional body, to build a new emotional body that can hold more joy and love. You will add light to your physical permanent atom, the “seed” of your physical body, to build a body that can hold more light.

DaBen will teach you self-exciting light body skills and how to use them as a doorway to the soul plane and to your soul. Your existence in and awareness of the soul plane begins to get you in touch with, at an energy level, part of the underlying reason for your existence. DaBen teaches you several frequencies of harmony and brilliance. You will play with traveling out through the Vee to experience the soul plane and several wonderful nodes.

Orin will teach you how to become more radiant at the atomic, cellular, and physical level. Orin will also show you how to call upon the devas, those small angelic beings, to heal, to rejuvenate, to balance, and to awaken your chakras. Orin ends with a wonderful journey of Initiation to energize your life purpose and to awaken your throat center for creative manifesting. Contains 17 meditations by DaBen and Orin, and talks by Duane and Sanaya.

Ceremonies of the Heart:Part 2 Awakening the Jewel in the Lotus

LB912In DaBen and Orin's Ceremonies of the Heart, the second of three courses on initiation, you will take the initiation that awakens your heart center. You will meet and blend with your soul, working with it and the Great Ones to awaken the jewel in your heart center. This jewel has been called the doorway to the soul.

The ability to love as your soul does in a wise, compassionate, and loving way, is essential before you can open your higher centers. There is nothing that cannot be solved, influenced, brought to greater order, and increased in its beauty by love. Love is the doorway to liberation of spirit from matter. You are here to learn to love.

Orin and DaBen will call upon high beings of light to transmit to you to awaken your heart center, to heal past hurts, to assist you in healing and evolving your relationships, and to increase your ability to love.  You will explore the power of the Christ light, that light of compassion, joy, and love.  You will work with your emotional permanent atom.  This is the “seed” of your emotional body.  As you transform it with Solar light you can build an emotional body that is less responsive to fear and negative emotions.

You will work with your Buddhic permanent atom to begin to build what has been called the “bliss body,” that ability to experience bliss and oneness. Your Buddhic permanent atom holds the energies of perfect love, perfect harmony and perfect union with the All-That-Is. It exists in the body of your Monad, your soul’s soul. As your path of enlightenment unfolds, your emotional body will be replaced with your Buddhic body, and you will live in a state of bliss, love, and oneness.

DaBen will teach you light body skills that can give you a profound experience of your soul and Monad. You will learn the skill of translation which will assist you in finding things as energy and then finding the forms and actions that match. You will learn how to identify soul and Monad energies as they are translated into your Renawre and light body cocoons, into your mental and emotional bodies, and then into your ordinary awareness.  Orin ends with a profound journey of Initiation, where you will work with a Master of love to key your vibration to a higher level and acknowledge how far you have come on your spiritual path. 17 journeys by DaBen and Orin, talks by Duane and Sanaya.

LB913LB912LB911Special Offer: Save $42 Buy all 3 courses at the same time!
These 3 courses take you through three levels of Initiation, and are meant to work together.  Because Orin and DaBen feel that working with all 3 courses together will assist you in experiencing a greater shift than working with the courses individually, to assist you we are offering you a special discounted price if you purchase all 3 courses at the same time.  Courses include:Ceremonies of Light (LB911), Ceremonies of the Heart (LB912) and Ceremonies of Initiation LB913
CD Offer:  These 3 CD albums ($89 each) are $267 if purchased separately.  Purchase all 3 albums at the same time for $225, and save $42.
Download offer: These 3 download albums ($79 each) are $237 if purchased separately.  Purchase all 3 courses at the same time for $195, and save $42.

Both CD and Download offers include 3 free MP3 Thaddeus music track downloads with purchase.Awakening Your Light Body Path InformationThis course is taught at the Self-Exciting/ Frequencies level where you are building and filling in your light body.  Click on the small color graph "Awakening Your Light Body Path Information" for a study guide that explains the light body path and how the graduate courses relate to each other.

Note from Sanaya and Duane to Light Body Graduates

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