Personal Power Through Awareness

Excerpt From Personal Power
product imageGreetings From Orin

I invite you to explore with me the universe you know so well. We will view it from a slightly different perspective, in a way that allows it to take on an added dimension, an unsuspected richness. It is the world of energy that exists all around you. This book will enable you to see more clearly the energy world you exist in, to understand the belief systems, mass thoughtforms, and telepathic energies of others which affect you. It is a course in bringing the unconscious into consciousness, delving into the mystery of the unseen energies in and around you. There is much beyond what you see with your five senses, and it can affect you. As you understand these unseen energies, they can become a tool to assist you in getting to wherever you want to go.

Looking at energy closely is like looking at a familiar object through a microscope. Although it is still the same object, it looks different up close. This course will act like a microscope, helping you view the unseen energies around you in greater detail, turning and adjusting the focus to provide a different perspective. It is the same world you have always known, but as you understand and perceive it in new ways it will reveal its secrets to you.

You can learn to recognize the
energies you pick up subconsciously.

The microscope, in this case, is your awareness, your innate ability to focus your attention on whatever you choose. Not only do you perceive the world through your physical senses, you also pick up information constantly at a nonverbal, intuitive level. Your thoughts are the doorway to sensing energy, and your inner eyes provide the tools for changing and working with it. You can learn to heal negative energy, to increase your ability to visualize, and to have telepathic communication with people, knowing what they are thinking of you and how to work with their nonverbal messages. We will be working with your inner world. Part of sensing energy is hearing the messages all around you. You need not be affected by other people's bad moods. You have the ability to heal every time you notice negativity, to help people evolve, to increase the positive energy around you, and change the nature of your personal relationships.

You are like a radio that can receive
many stations.  What you receive
depends on what you pay attention to.

Many energies exist that affect you throughout the day. You are also a broadcasting station, with a home base, a frequency, and a mind set. The way you perceive, judge, and react to your thoughts throughout the day grounds you in your reality and is the basis upon which that reality is created. As you become thoroughly familiar with your reality, you may leave it, for there are many realities you may step into once you are familiar with your own home station. You have a greater identity than you can imagine; you can unlock your present identity to experience even more of the richness of who you are.

Because you are like a radio, you can learn to set the dial and receive whatever information you want. You are telepathic; you receive and send messages all the time. In this book you will learn how to control the messages you pick up, choosing what you want to hear, and letting go of broadcasts you do not want to receive. You will learn how to tune into other people's energies, to assist and heal them, and to come from a place of greater understanding. If you want to become successful, if you want to experience greater peace and love between you and other people, if you want to move out of the denser energies into the finer ones, you can learn to do so. You can learn to identify thoughts and feelings from others you do not want to tune into, turning off their broadcast and linking with the higher energies of the universe instead. You will learn to open your intuition, that ability to sense and understand events at a deeper level, and open to receive guidance and answers to your questions.

The information and concepts in this book are presented in a way that will help you open to a deeper part of your being, triggering the memory of this and much more knowledge that already resides within you. You may experience my energy behind the words, which will help bring out the buried knowledge in you, awakening parts of you which have been slumbering. You meet these parts of yourself frequently in your dream state. You can bring them into your normal, waking consciousness.

Mankind as a species is awakening to many new abilities. These abilities are part of the evolutionary journey of man. The human aura - the energy surrounding the body - is evolving. With this evolution comes the ability to sense what used to be unseen, invisible energy. That energy can now be recognized, interpreted and directed; that which was unseen and unrecognized can now be visible and known.

You are evolving rapidly, and the evolutionary journey of man is continuing to take a leap forward. When you look back into the days of the Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man you can see your bodies have changed; your ability to sense energy has changed radically also. Even the five senses have changed. For instance, earlier man did not have the ability to see all the colors you can see today.

Your energy centers are opening,
your ability to be aware of and
affected by previously invisible
and unseen energies is increasing.

You can learn how to use these newly awakened senses. They are already awakening and present in you or you would not be called to this information. I am acting as a guide, one who has traveled before in these realms of energy that you are beginning to explore. Things such as telepathy, precognition, the ability to tap into new scientific inventions, discoveries of information not yet known, and an increased connection with universal consciousness will become the norm as evolution takes its course. The awakening of man is a journey into awareness of the higher energy realms. It is possible now for many to learn what was before only possible for a few. The awareness that used to take years of training in special techniques and meditation to develop is now possible for many to achieve without years of special preparation. The evolutionary journey is one of awakening consciousness, and I will help you in this course to discover, understand, and nurture the awakening that is already present within you. If you are drawn to this information, then you are certainly developing and experiencing your latent abilities. You can use them to operate more efficiently in your everyday world, coming from your higher self and creating immediate changes in your life.

Many of you grew up as
very aware, sensitive children.

Many of you grew up in environments that often seemed inexplicable, in situations that did not seem to match who you are. Some of you felt different from those around you, as if you had an added dimension of awareness that other people did not have. Many of you felt emotionally sensitive, and it may have seemed that things that did not bother other people affected you greatly. You often did not know what was you and what was other people. Because you were telepathic and emotionally sensitive, you may have taken in other people's feelings and emotions and thought they were your own.

Most of you are gentle, loving, and sensitive, wanting to develop your personal power in ways that honor both yourself and others. Many of you had painful childhoods, not understanding how to deal with the rigidity of negativity you found around you. Often you were not recognized for who you are - a being of light and love wanting an opportunity to spread that joyful abundance of spirit. You who are evolving this new "sixth sense" are on a rapid path of growth, and need to discover your own uniqueness and skills.

As you open, it is important
to develop wisdom, release pain,
and rise above negativity.

As you begin sensing and interpreting the subtler and unseen energies of the universe, you will be developing the skill to know which energies to let become a part of you and which to release. I will show you how to be unaffected by the pain and negativity in other people, how to help yourself and others rise above it, and how to reach and connect with your higher self. As you grow more aware of what you are sensing, you also have the opportunity to become more aware of your higher self, and the guidance that is available to you from the higher realms of the universe.

You can open to your greater consciousness, travel into dimensions and realms that have not yet been explored, see yourself in larger and expanded ways. You can learn to see and understand who you really are, and begin to find answers to questions such as "Why am I here?" and "What is the meaning of life?" As you explore and awaken to these subtle energies, many doors will open and many new worlds will be there for you to discover.

I invite you to explore your greater being, to use your sensitivity to know the magnificence of who you are. Join with me. Explore your inner guidance and higher self as we journey together into the higher realms of the universe.  In love and light, Orin.

Personal Power Through Awareness, Articles and Products on our Website
View all Persoproduct imagenal Power Through Awareness Products

Personal Power Through Awareness Book Available in eBook formats (ePub and Kindle/mobi) Revised eBook and printed book edition is updated with new chapters on clearing energy. Stay centered and balanced and stop being affected by other people's moods. Send and receive telepathic messages, hear your intuition, and receive higher guidance. Evolve your inner dialog; change your self-image; find your deepest truth; and feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive. 

Book Excerpts from Personal Power preface by Sanaya and Welcome from Orin.
Receiving Guidance from the Higher Realms

Orin's Path of Self-Realization
Information on Teaching Personal Power Through Awareness

Receive a message from the Personal Power Through Awareness book by going to the "Creating Your Highest Future" room. Click on the book picture, and read the message that comes up. 
Receive your personal affirmation in the Daily Affirmation Room.
If you would like to listen to Thaddeus' music while reading this book excerpt, go to the Music Listening room.

Recommended Personal Power Additional Audio Resources

Recommended audio journeys to go with the book

Listen to the Audiobook, read by Sanaya, transmitting Orin's energy to you as you listen.

product imageAudio Book, Personal Power through Awareness. (PPTAE) Unabridged version read by Sanaya Roman.  Includes two free sample chapters you can listen to right now.

P201 Sensing Energy AudioVolume 1 - Sensing Energy (P201) 8 meditations by Orin in album. Contains one guided meditation as well as affirmations by Orin to change your self-image, relationships, and ability to love and be loved. Recognize when you have taken on other people's energy and release it. Send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, stay centered, and receive higher guidance.

P202 Journey Into Light AudioVolume 2 - Journey Into Light Going Higher, (P202) 8 meditations by Orin in album. This is a step-by-step program to develop your intuitive and psychic abilities, sense subtle energies, send and receive telepathically, awaken your intuition, receive higher guidance, and connect with your soul and guides. Learn to stay centered and balanced, increase the positive energy around you, and feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive.

P100 AudioPersonal Power Through Awareness Audio Short course contains one guided meditation as well as affirmations by Orin to change your self-image, relationships, and ability to love and be loved. Recognize when you have taken on other people's energy and release it. Send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, stay centered, and receive higher guidance.

Information on Teaching Personal Power Through Awareness

Recommended Orin Single Audio Journeys
Radiating Unconditional Love (P103) and Self-Love (L102)
View a list of all Single Meditation

PERSONAL POWER through AWARENESS - A Guidebook for Sensitive People
by Sanaya Roman
Trade Paperback: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", 199 pages
ISBN: 0-915811-04-9 Price: $12.95
Publisher: H J Kramer Inc
P.O. Box 1082, Tiburon, CA 94920


You can learn to recognize the energies you pick up 2
You are like a radio 2
Your energy centers are opening 4
Many of you grew up as sensitive children 5
It is important to develop wisdom, release pain, and rise above negativity 6

Visualization can transform energy 8
In every home are the energies and thoughts of the occupants 10
You are constantly being sent signs from the universe 11

The more you can become aware of energy, the more aware you can become of your inner guidance 16
You can sense energy to the degree your heart is open and loving 18
Your imagination is a powerful energy-sensing tool 20
Focusing speeds up time and directs energy 21
If you are in a difficult situation, broadcast love 22
Spend time thinking about what you want rather than what you don't want 24

Awareness of your body, thoughts, and emotions allows you to discover the effect other people have on you 30
Do not make the other person, or yourself wrong 32
When you are feeling depreciated, it is a sign that other people are not open to your energy 33
If you want a healing connection, know how much to give, and how much to receive 35
Emotions help you create reality 37
Listen with a silent mind 39

V WHO AM I? 43
Making a commitment to yourself 44
Know when to pay attention to your own needs and when to be selfless 45
Do not feel responsible for everyone's happiness 46
Give to others what you want to receive 48
To dissolve fear, look directly at it 49
Love who you are, not who you should be 51

You are not at the mercy of hidden drives or unknown programs 56
As you focus on what is good about people, you enable them to achieve it 58
Be aware of the images you create about yourself 59
You never do anything that is not an attempt to bring more light into your life 60
Look at each area of your life and ask, "What is my highest vision?" 61
See everyone as expanding and growing 62
If you ask for guidance, trust the messages that come into your mind 63

Your definition of yourself as a man or woman greatly influences your behavior 69
Pay attention to the pictures you send people 70
Pictures are easier for people to pick up than words 72
Use your imagination to picture your highest healing path, a vision of why you are here 75

Compassion is the ability to put yourself in the other person's shoes 78
You do not have to go through pain and struggle to grow 79
You have the ability to heal yourself 81
You have the ability to know your truth 83
As you think over what you will say to someone, hold the image of your deepest truth 85
Honoring your deepest truth is a gift to you and to the other person 86

The ability to make yourself right rather than wrong will help you grow faster 92
There is no right way to evolve 94
If any area in your life is not working, one of your beliefs in that area needs to be changed 95
You can assist mankind in achieving peace by evolving your thoughts 96

Unconditional love is learning to be the source of love 100
Unconditional love transforms fear 102
Fear is a place that has not yet discovered love 103
You learn to love by putting yourself in situations that challenge you to be loving 105
Whatever you give to others is also a gift to yourself 105
If you have nothing to defend, life becomes easier 107
Love brings beauty to everything and everyone 108
As you become filled with light, your power to affect the world around you increases 109

Pain is only triggered by another when there is already pain within you 115
The more you understand what you are learning from a situation, the more rapidly you can leave it 116
Pain is a powerful indicator of growth 117
If others express anger with you, do not let their negativity become part of your response 119
If you have trouble forgiving people, pretend the next time you talk to them is their last day on earth 120

Many doorways will open when you follow your intuition 126
Acting on your intuition brings your goals to you faster 127
Send loving energy into your past 129
The best way to open your intuition is to listen to it 130
When you operate from intuition things happen easily 131

Saying high, loving words raises your mind's vibration 137
Talk of the qualities you aspire to as if you already have them 139
By evolving yourself, you create a doorway for those behind you to come through 140
You CAN control your thoughts 143
A trained mind creates emotional calm and inner peace 144
You can change energy by using positive words 145

Feeling love changes negative energy 150
Rather than resisting lower thoughts, place higher ones by their side 151
Wisdom is being able to discern which messages to pay attention to 152
What is loving to the self is always loving to others 154
Wisdom is the ability to know when to act 155
It is important to experience compassion 157

Be aware of the thoughtforms in your community 162
You cannot know what you are picking up telepathically until you know your own energy 164
You have the ability to know what others are thinking 166
You can gain control over telepathic messages 167
If you want an intimate relationship with another, first become aware of who you are 169
Telepathy is a gift and a responsibility 170
When you think of others they receive energy from you 172
It is energizing to change your thinking habits 174
There are ways to stop thinking of a person 176
If you want something from somebody, picture a time when you gave that same thing to someone else 178
You can calm your emotions 180

True healing involves compassion and love 185
To receive guidance, ask for it and then listen 186
The mind has 40,000 to 50,000 thoughts a day 189
If you look upward, you will receive any help you need 190
Writing down your goals brings them to you faster 194
If you want to bring in guidance, sit quietly 194
It is up to you to create the specific form your work will take 196

Personal Power Through Awareness, Articles and Products on our Website
View all Persoproduct imagenal Power Through Awareness Products

Personal Power Through Awareness Book Available in eBook formats (ePub and Kindle/mobi) Revised eBook and printed book edition is updated with new chapters on clearing energy. Stay centered and balanced and stop being affected by other people's moods. Send and receive telepathic messages, hear your intuition, and receive higher guidance. Evolve your inner dialog; change your self-image; find your deepest truth; and feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive. 

Book Excerpts from Personal Power preface by Sanaya and Welcome from Orin.
Receiving Guidance from the Higher Realms

Orin's Path of Self-Realization
Information on Teaching Personal Power Through Awareness

Receive a message from the Personal Power Through Awareness book by going to the "Creating Your Highest Future" room. Click on the book picture, and read the message that comes up. 
Receive your personal affirmation in the Daily Affirmation Room.
If you would like to listen to Thaddeus' music while reading this book excerpt, go to the Music Listening room.

Recommended Personal Power Additional Audio Resources

Recommended audio journeys to go with the book

Listen to the Audiobook, read by Sanaya, transmitting Orin's energy to you as you listen.

product imageAudio Book, Personal Power through Awareness. (PPTAE) Unabridged version read by Sanaya Roman.  Includes two free sample chapters you can listen to right now.

P201 Sensing Energy AudioVolume 1 - Sensing Energy (P201) 8 meditations by Orin in album. Contains one guided meditation as well as affirmations by Orin to change your self-image, relationships, and ability to love and be loved. Recognize when you have taken on other people's energy and release it. Send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, stay centered, and receive higher guidance.

P202 Journey Into Light AudioVolume 2 - Journey Into Light Going Higher, (P202) 8 meditations by Orin in album. This is a step-by-step program to develop your intuitive and psychic abilities, sense subtle energies, send and receive telepathically, awaken your intuition, receive higher guidance, and connect with your soul and guides. Learn to stay centered and balanced, increase the positive energy around you, and feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive.

P100 AudioPersonal Power Through Awareness Audio Short course contains one guided meditation as well as affirmations by Orin to change your self-image, relationships, and ability to love and be loved. Recognize when you have taken on other people's energy and release it. Send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, stay centered, and receive higher guidance.

Information on Teaching Personal Power Through Awareness

Recommended Orin Single Audio Journeys
Radiating Unconditional Love (P103) and Self-Love (L102)
View a list of all Single Meditation