Basic Awakening Your Light Body:
Part 1 Building Your Power Base
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Series Title: Awakening Your Light Body Part 1 of 6
Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: DaBen and Orin
Contains: 12 Guided Meditations
Music by: Thaddeus
Length: Approximately 4.5 hours

MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.

Audio, PDF Manual with Transcripts
Product Number: LB111
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Download Album $89.00
Special Offer* Save $40.00 Buy all 6 Light Body Download Albums for $494.00


Awakening Your Light Body Keys to Enlightenment
Part 1 Building Your Power Base

The Awakening Your Light Body courses offer a unique path of spiritual awakening through experiential, progressive expansions of consciousness that assist you in directly knowing the truth of your being. 

Note: The above is an overview of the key states of consciousness, skills, qualities and experiences for courses taught at basic light body level as part of the six-volume courses. Not all states are taught in each volume.

About the Light Body Courses—General Information
Enroll in the Light Body link to first volume (LB111)

What Is the Light Body?  |  Why Awaken Your Light Body?
Duane's Story of the Light Body Course
People's Comments about awakening their light bodies
Take the quiz: Are You Ready to Awaken Your Light Body?
Light Body Pre-Enrollment Questions and Answers

Thousands of people have created many wonderful expansions of consciousness as they awakened their light body through experiencing DaBen and Orin's guided Light Body meditations in this course. The Awakening Your Light Body course comes in 6 courses as a home-study course, complete with 12 audio journeys by Orin and DaBen for each course, (14 journeys in Volume 6) and instructions that you can follow journey by journey.  You will receive transmissions by Orin and DaBen as they lead you to awaken your light body, and in addition there is extensive written material to assist you.  DaBen and Orin present an easy-to-follow, step-by-step course to assist you in experiencing higher states of consciousness; flowing emotions; heightened creativity; a greater awareness of subtle energies, the higher dimensions, beings of light, and your soul and spirit, the source and essence of your being. 

People say that this course has allowed them to have direct experiences of the higher states of consciousness they had only read about and understood intellectually in the past. It does not involve a prior skill with meditation or higher states of consciousness, but simply a willingness to practice, be playful and inventive, and make a commitment to your growth. The light body is compatible with and can strengthen and deepen your experience of any other spiritual practice and beliefs you have.

What follows is a description of the 6 courses, also called Parts, of the DaBen and Orin Awakening Your Light Body audio course. When you learn the 7 vibrational energy body centers and 3 light body centers through completing these six parts, or from a light body teacher, you are an Awakening Your Light Body graduate.

Part 1: Building Your Power Base

In Part 1 of the Awakening Your Light Body course, DaBen transmits energy to you to assist you in awakening your first 3 vibrational energy body centers. These centers create the power base of your light body (they are not the chakras). When they are awakened, you can remain calm and peaceful, positively change your emotional and personality reactions to others, and be transparent to lower energies. DaBen will teach you ways to open your breathing, as well as ways to release stuck emotions that keep you from feeling inner peace. Many who work with these 3 centers that form the light body power base discover an enhanced ability to stay calm and centered around other people's energy, an increased ability to feel at ease physically, and to relax physically.

Orin will guide you to view your life as if you are a Master, giving yourself advice about your daily activities, career, relationships, and more. You will meet the Master you are working with on the inner planes to help unlock your hidden resources so you can discover and fulfill more of your potential. You will be guided to start visualizing yourself as an awakened, enlightened being, an important step to take on your path to enlightenment.

Orin will take you on guided journeys to evolve your inner child, release and transform old habits and patterns, and work with the various parts of your personality to prepare for the rapid growth that can occur as you awaken your light body. You will be guided to go back in time to change your memory of a negative childhood experience and then rewrite it, imagining it happening in a better, more positive way. Doing this can transform whatever area of your life this memory has been negatively affecting.

If you are open to receive and want their energy, DaBen and Orin will join their energy with yours as you listen to the guided meditations in this course to assist you in awakening your light body. We have included information about the entire 6 part course below. When you are ready to begin, you can order Part 1 and start the process of transforming your life and consciousness as you experience DaBen and Orin's meditation journeys.

Part 1 contains 12 DaBen and/or Orin audio journeys approximately 21-30 minutes each. Course comes with manual with instructions, extensive information, and transcripts of the journeys.  See below if you want to purchase all six albums at the same time, and save. 

Enrollment Information for the Awakening Your Light Body Course
To receive Volume 1 and be enrolled in this course, simply add the course to your cart. Future volumes will be sent when you order and notify us you are ready. We ask that you have the commitment to finish; however there is no obligation to continue.

LB116 product imageLB114 product imageLB114 product imageLB113 product imageLB112 product imageLB111 product imageSpecial Offer: Save $40 Order all six volumes at the same time and save $40. You will be considered a light body graduate when you complete these courses, and then are eligible for light body seminars and graduate light body programs
Download offer:  These 6 download courses ($89 each) are $534 if purchased separately.  Purchase all 6 courses at the same time for $494, and save $40.
Download special offer includes 6 free MP3 Thaddeus music track downloads with purchase.

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Additional Awakening Your Light Body Course Information
Estimated Completion Time of Course
We estimate completion time of the 6 part course to be a minimum of 3 to 5 months, and many people take a year or longer. You will need at least 2 to 4 weeks to practice the centers in each part and gain some skill with them before learning the centers in the next part. Once you complete this 6 part course, or take it from a Light Body teacher, you are a Light Body graduate and are eligible for all the graduate Light Body programs.

Upon Enrollment
We ask that you have the intent to finish this 6 part course when you enroll, as your commitment to this course will greatly influence your success in awakening your light body. We ask that you agree to not share your journeys until you have completed the course (all 6 parts) and have a good knowledge of the centers. Sharing your journeys with others puts you in a sponsorship role with them. We ask that you not share these journeys until you are willing to take the role of sponsor. DaBen and Orin are very aware of you, and are holding a focus and sponsoring you as you go through this course. You can read about becoming a Light Body sponsor in the booklet that comes with Part 6.

Home Study or Live Course?
You can take this course with DaBen and Orin. If you want to study with a live teacher, you can check for one in your area, Light Body Teacher List. Some people enjoy the interaction with a live teacher and want a group setting; others prefer to work at their own pace and work with the home-study course. You need to decide which works best for you.

USA: If you study with a live light body teacher, you are required to use these six volumes as your study material.
International: If you study this course with a light body teacher, you are not required to own all 6 audio courses, however your teacher is required to play 9 DaBen journeys from these albums for you. The journeys by DaBen and Orin in the 6 parts make wonderful additions to your teacher's classes.

If you have additional questions, they may be answered on our Frequently Asked Questions about enrolling in the light body courses.

Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 2 Opening Your Heart Center

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In Part 2 of the Awakening Your Light Body course, Opening Your Heart Center, DaBen transmits the frequencies and sounds that open your 4th energy body center, called the Ranthia. This center creates flow and assists you in experiencing love.  You can work with it to experience blissful, calm states of emotional flow, peace, and relaxation.  You can use this center to further enhance your ability to stay emotionally balanced and neutral around negative energies. You can stay upwardly connected, centered in the light, calm, peaceful, and at one with your inner Self no matter what is going on around you.

You will journey with Orin to meet the Enlightened Ones; the beings of light who can assist you in your awakening. You will work with them to experience increased love, forgiveness, and compassion for yourself and others. You will clear and release other people's energy from your aura. You may discover that you have been using too much of your energy to help other people and that you can assist people in more profound ways without using your own energy. Orin will guide you to awaken your inner healer, and you will learn more about self-healing.

As you work with this center, you will learn how to send the power you have been generating in your lower centers up into your higher ones to awaken them. DaBen will show you how to increase the flow of energy in your physical body and how to release muscle pain. You will learn how to use this 4th center and the lower three centers to create a greater sense of physical vitality and to transform the energy of the food you eat. You will explore self-healing and ways to stay neutral around others, discovering more about how to set a healing space for others, awaken your inner healer, and create a sense of greater physical vitality.  DaBen will guide you to work with beings of light who can teach you about love and blending.

Part 2 contains 12 DaBen and Orin audio journeys approximately 21-30 minutes each. Course comes with manual with instructions, extensive information, and transcripts of the journeys.

Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 3 Activating Your Higher Energy Centers

LB113 product imageNow that you have awakened the first 4 vibrational energy body centers, in Part 3 of this course, Activating Your Higher Energy Centers, DaBen transmits the sounds and frequencies that activate your 3 higher energy centers. The first 4 centers bring more physical ease and emotional flow, and set the foundation for you to have the necessary harmony and flow to open your higher centers.  With this awakening, you can better experience your higher mind, and increase your creativity and ability to find creative solutions to situations. 

As you work with the upper centers, DaBen will show you how to work with your mental body and connect with the Universal Mind to experience higher, more positive and unlimited thoughts, and to manifest what you want in accordance with the higher purpose of your life.  DaBen will show you how to watch your thoughts as they set up, then add a higher frequency to them. 

You will explore states of ­consciousness that expand the way you think, bringing illumination, insights, and focused awareness. You can learn to change negative, more limited thoughts into positive, expanded thoughts.  Your thoughts can reflect the truth of who you are-loving, intuitive, clear, and full of fresh, original ideas about any area you think of. DaBen will take you on journeys through the void, and to experience more light. You will learn ways to have a quiet mind and to stop mental chatter.

Orin will guide you to develop a clearer picture of who you are and what you are here to do as you bring through knowledge from past-lives. You will continue the process of transforming your personality that you began in the first two parts of the course.  You will rewrite your birth in a way that will enhance your pictures of who you are, and assist you in creating a higher future. 

Part 3 contains 12 DaBen and Orin audio journeys approximately 21-30 minutes each. Course comes with manual with instructions, extensive information, and transcripts of the journeys.

Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 4 Aligning Your Vibrational Energy Bodies

LB114 product imageIn Part 4, Aligning Your Vibrational Energy Bodies, you will learn how to combine certain energy body centers that you have awakened in Parts 1 through 3 of this course to create heightened, expanded states of awareness. You can be more aware of subtle, higher energies and learn how to make these energies a part of your life and consciousness. Doing so raises your vibration and can bring you more joy, harmony, peace, balance, flow, supply, and energy. 

This is a wonderful set of light body meditations to use to play with the energy body centers you have learned, using them to experience various states of consciousness.  As you learn new ways to work with the centers, you can quiet your thoughts, have no thoughts, feel energized, and enhance your inner vision and intuitive abilities. You can work with your light body centers to recharge your energy at core, source levels and to feel more harmonized and balanced.

You will be guided to transform relationship and abundance issues by working on them first as energy, then to be open to experience the changes that can occur in these areas afterward. You can learn to create emotional flow and mental fluidity at will as you gain the harmony with your seven vibrational energy body centers that awakens your 3 light body centers in Part 5.  Learn how to feel the way you want to feel!

Orin will guide you to explore what it is like to live in higher, more refined energy. You will use your light body to open your channel to your higher self and/or to your guide. You will join the Masters to reprogram your DNA for spiritual evolution, to expand your aura, and to create more light in your life.

Part 4 contains 12 DaBen and Orin audio journeys approximately 21-30 minutes each. Course comes with manual with instructions, extensive information, and transcripts of the journeys.

Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 5 Awakening Your Light Body

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In Part 5, Awakening Your Light Body, DaBen transmits to you the sounds and frequencies that awaken your first 2 light body centers. When awakened, these centers can assist you in experiencing states of joy, inner visualizations, feelings, and sensations that are beautiful beyond words.

Orin will guide you to experience and meet the soul of the earth to view life from the earth's perspective. You will learn how to connect soul-to-soul with loved ones to transform your relationships and to radiate light to others. You will "breathe with the universe" and journey into the oneness. You can learn how to exist both in this dimension and also be aware of other dimensions you exist in at the same time as your greatly expanded Self.

You will journey to the Temple of the Masters to clear, purify, and add higher frequencies to your aura. Learn how to become a source of light, and call to you those who can respond to the light you are radiating–friends, loved ones, students and the beings of light. Prepare to become a powerful worker of the light and a spiritual leader, teacher, or healer, if you should choose to do so. 

Part 5 contains 12 DaBen and Orin audio journeys approximately 21-30 minutes each. Course comes with manual with instructions, extensive information, and transcripts of the journeys.

Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 6 Becoming Radiant

In Part 6, Becoming Radiant, LB116 Product ImageDaBen transmits to you the energies that awaken the final light body center.  This center works together with the first two light body centers you learn in Part 5 to awaken your light body. This light body center is one that opens you to experiences of incredible bliss and beauty. This center connects you directly with light, and brings in light from the higher dimensions. It regulates, filters, and integrates light as you bring it in. You can become a radiating source of light as you open and work with this center. This light body center enhances your ability to experience the oneness. 

Using the light body centers, you will journey into the void and explore other dimensions.  You will learn how to build the cord upward to your soul so you can experience more of your soul's reality and experience your soul in new ways. You will travel into the Mind of God, the All-That-Is, to explore the nature of the universe. You will work with your personality to help it hold, in a balanced way, the enormity of the perspective you are gaining of the universe, your soul, your purpose, and the many insights you may have as you experience the universe in new ways.

With the awakening of this center you are taking an evolutionary leap and your personal power, ability to change your environment, positively affect others, and exist in higher states of consciousness is increased.

Part 6 contains 14 DaBen and Orin audio journeys approximately 21-30 minutes each. Course comes with manual with instructions, extensive information, and transcripts of the journeys.

Awakening Your Light Body Path InformationWith completion of all six volumes, you are eligible for Graduate Light Body courses:
When you finish all 6 Parts of this series, you are considered to be an Awakening Your Light Body graduate. Click on the small color graph "Awakening Your Light Body Path Information" for a study guide that explains the light body path and how the graduate courses relate to each other. 

You are eligible to attend Light Body Graduate Seminars
Upon graduation, you are eligible to attend live graduate light body seminars and experience the power of a group running the energy together.  People find the energy at a seminar to be very uplifting, and seminar participants are very welcoming and friendly.  Read about DaBen's current live seminars, and seminar dates. Read information about attending a seminar for the first time.  You can also take the seminars remotely, from your home.

Becoming a Sponsor or Teacher:
Upon graduation, when you complete Part 6 of this course, you are welcome to sponsor others or teach classes using your journeys. Information about Sponsoring is in the manual that comes with this course.  If you want to become a Light Body Teacher, which means you will be transmitting the sounds of the centers as DaBen does, and teach live courses, you will need to take DaBen and Orin's, or your teacher's Radiance: Transmitting Light teacher's course as well as complete DaBen or your teacher's Radiance: Self–Exciting course. In the Radiance: Transmitting Light Teacher's course, you will learn how to awaken people's light bodies as DaBen is doing by transmitting energy and the sounds of the centers.

Light Body Courses are Not Therapeutic in Nature

As a part of simply being alive, you will experience various situations that challenge you emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Awakening your light body does not create these challenges, nor does it create physical, emotional, or mental illness. None of the light body courses are meant to be therapeutic in nature. They work at another level to take you into higher spaces and to assist you in bringing those spaces back into your ordinary life. If you have any history of, or are currently in treatment for mental illness, such as manic-depressive, bipolar, schizophrenia, or other mental or emotional problems, do not take any light body courses until you have the consent of a licensed psychotherapist.



the Orin DaBen Foundation


~100 Years of Light Seminar ~

Evolving the Work of Orin and DaBen

 October 11-13, 2024
Ashland, Oregon

(Live Stream Option Will be Offered)

 Orin and DaBen tell us that we are the Seeds of this work. Each of us who have loved and evolved with these energies for years and decades are the current expression of these light frequencies into earth plane and beyond. As the embodiment of this extraordinary Light, it is a gift to offer it to generations to come.

As Duane often reminded us, we cannot do this alone—we need each other. You are an integral part of the creation of this incoming pattern of Light. Your presence is essential to creating the most richness possible. Join us in person in October as we evolve this shimmering mandala that is our community of Light Beings.

Be among the first to hear NEW works. This Seminar will include previously unpublished material from both our teachers, Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman. There is a small archive of unpublished work which is being lovingly curated by the Board and LuminEssence staff. Some of this work will be shared at the seminar. We expect to also offer journeys and talks from our published archives. There will be live transmissions and teachings from Senior Teachers and some new faces as well. We plan to have Seed/Discovery and Teachers group gatherings. There will be time to play and socialize, too.

We truly hope you will join us in the joy of bringing forth the energies that are becoming the Orin DaBen Foundation. Be a part of these first steps into the future which Orin and DaBen, Duane and Sanaya have prepared for us.


Welcome Home!

The Seminar Committee and Board of the Orin DaBen Foundation

Event Details:

FN100E - 100 Years of Light
Register here)

October 11-13 2024
9am-5pm Friday and Saturday
9am-1pm Sunday
Cost: $375

Refund Policy:
Between two (2) months and one (1) month prior to October 11th a 25% refund will be issued.
Less than one month prior to the event, there will be no refund issued.

Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites
2525 Ashland Street
Ashland OR 97520

Reservations: 855-482-8310

Call the hotel directly at 541-482-8310 and request group rates for
the 'Orin DaBen Foundation' in October to receive a discounted rate

or go online and follow these steps:

·       Visit our booking site at

·       Enter the date of their stay and number of nights

      ·       Enter your GROUP ID NUMBER 658337 in the Group ID field

Important Information:

~ If you’re flying, the closest airport is Medford (MFR)

~ You’ll need to drive or Uber to the hotel in Ashland, about 20 minutes away. There is no shuttle service to Ashland Hills Hotel from Medford. (Uber ride is approximately $25) The hotel is not within walking distance of downtown Ashland.

~ Please register as soon as you know you will attend. It will help the Planning Committee in their setup and planning.

~ Please come in person to have the greatest experience of the energies! There will be recordings made of the seminar. These recordings will be available online as soon as possible, as LuminEssence did in the past. You will receive these recordings in your Member's Area online.

~ There is a restaurant in the hotel Here is a restaurant list from TripAdvisor (updated in February):