Radiance Self-Exciting:
Building Your Light Body
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Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Duane and DaBen
Contains: 24 Guided Meditations
Music by: Thaddeus
Length: Approximately 11 hours
Prerequisites: LB116

MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.

Audio, PDF Manual with Journey Summaries, No Transcripts
Product Number: LB131
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Download Album $175.00

DaBen's Radiance: Self-Exciting Building Your Light Body

This course is taught at the Self-Exciting/ Frequencies level where you are building and filling in your light body. Click on the small color graph "Awakening Your Light Body Path Information" for a study guide that explains the light body path and how the graduate courses relate to each other. The overview chart above indicates key states of consciousness, qualities, experiences and skills for courses taught at the Self-Exciting and Frequencies level (not all states are taught in each course). For reference, it shows the levels above and below the Self-Exciting and Frequencies level of light body study.

Welcome to DaBen's Radiance: Self-Exciting course

Self-Exciting Skills Form the Foundation for Higher Levels of Light Body Experiences
Self-Exciting is a skill and a state on which many other light body skills and states of consciousness are based. If there is one graduate course to take, it would be this one as it teaches you Self-Exciting states that make it possible to have a better experience of all graduate light body courses.

The Self-Exciting skills support you in having better experiences
of the light body spaces at all levels of study.

The Self-Exciting and Frequencies skills that DaBen teaches in this course support you in having a better experience of the light body energies and spaces at all levels of study. It is the recommended next course after awakening your light body. The Self-Exciting and Frequencies skills can assist you if you have trouble staying awake, if you suddenly find yourself in ordinary reality after being in a high space, feel you are not getting anything, or if you have too much mind chatter. These skills help you surrender and open up to whatever experiences are there for you, stay in the flow, on an upward spiral, able to sustain higher spaces.

The Self-Exciting and Frequencies skills set the foundation for retaining your experience of the light body. They develop your ability to sustain and maintain your consciousness as you move into higher levels of reality. These skills can be used to both open up to higher realms and dimensions, and to bring the light, understanding, and insights you gain into your everyday reality.

Message from DaBen: What Is Self-Exciting?
DaBen: Self-Exciting is an essential skill for learning to surrender and let the light body experiences happen, where you are a part of the flow, and where you are in a stable place that allows the light body experiences to unfold more easily. In a Self-Exciting state, it is easy to be your experience and to be carried by the energies. There is no sense of self-criticism or self-judgment. You have mental fluidity—when thoughts come up, there is no emotional attachment to them; they are simply there. There is a feeling of oneness; you sense the way you fit into everything else. Self-Exciting is an essential skill to understanding energy in ways that allow you to be supported by the energies about you, where you can join the flow, and can have the experience of "everything working".

In Self-Exciting states your mind is clear and
your thoughts flow one into another without circling around.

When your energy and light become Self-Exciting, everything you do contributes to increasing your light. Each thought brings you a new idea, clarity, or greater insight into what you are thinking about. You are more creative, intuitive, and aware of your inner guidance. Your emotions are flowing, peaceful, and harmonious. Your heart is open; you have no need to protect or defend yourself because you can use all the energy around you to go higher, even if it is what you used to call “negative energy.”

Being in Self-Exciting states opens the potential for you to experience having no thoughts. You discover ways to just be, allowing yourself to know your true Self beyond your thoughts and personality.

The Self-Exciting skills do not involve learning additional centers; instead you will use what you have learned to create "Self-Exciting" spaces to stay in a higher flow, and to get back into the flow more quickly.  You will learn to recognize what takes you out of your center and return easily to the flowing, peaceful states you want to experience. As you gain more skill you can experience the many subtle energies, Frequencies, and advanced skills that are included in each journey.

Self-Exciting skills help you stay in the flow,
and to be on an upward spiral.

The benefits of acquiring Self-Exciting skills will be uniquely yours. As you explore, you might experience: times of living more fully in the present moment; an enhanced ability to experience being in your flow and knowing peace and calm; an increased ability to generate emotional flow, mental fluidity, physical ease, and clarity; and continuous opportunities for joy and play.

You need to "place" your growing radiance in order to maintain the flow of light you have begun.  You can place your radiance into anything that can resonate with the energy you create. This can be people, projects you are working on, your light body or Renawre cocoon, higher beings such as Masters, guides, and the nonhuman kingdoms such as animals, plants, minerals, or the earth itself. As you grow you assist all life to grow, and you expand the light about you. ~DaBen

Note: This course in Self-Exciting touches upon the Frequencies, as they are important in creating enough light and radiance to reach and stay in self-exciting states. Studying the Frequencies will enhance your experience of Self-Exciting, and you can study the Frequencies before, during or after taking the self-exciting course.

Prerequisites: You are eligible for the Radiance: Self-ExcitingBuilding Your Light Body course if you have learned the 7 vibrational energy body centers and the 3 light body centers as developed by DaBen, channeled by Duane Packer.

DaBen's Self-Exciting course consists of four parts, with a total of 24 journeys
Part 1: Building a Stable Base–Discover new levels of emotional flow and mental fluidity that are necessary to reach Self-Exciting states.
Part 2: Becoming a Solid Light–Learn the Frequencies that enhance your ability to create light solid enough to reach and sustain Self-Exciting states.
Part 3: Beginning Self-Exciting–Explore skills that will teach you how to reach Self-Exciting.
Part 4: Self-Exciting–Experience the incredible states of consciousness that are possible as you learn Self-Exciting. Know yourself as a radiant being of light. Discover the light of these spaces and bring it into your daily life.

All the journeys contain transmissions by DaBen of Self-Exciting states, and states that are beyond Self-Exciting, allowing you to experience new states of consciousness every time you listen. 

Course consists of 24 guided meditations by DaBen plus an extensive manual of written material with information about the skills you will learn, answers to commonly asked questions, and step-by-step instructions for using the journeys. Included in the manual are sections by Duane on how to live the light body and use your light body skills in your daily life, and includes a summary of each of DaBen's journeys as well.

Transcripts of the Radiance: Self-Exciting: DaBen's Radiance: Self-Exciting course (LB131) comes with an in-depth summary of each of DaBen's journeys, presented in a format that highlights all of the important steps in each journey.  Many people find this information sufficient and do not need the transcripts. However, you may also purchase transcripts of DaBen's journeys.  The transcripts will not teach you the Self-Exciting light body skills, which are based on the energy and sounds that DaBen transmits as you listen.  The transcripts are only available if you have ordered the Self-Exciting course from LuminEssence or are a qualified Self-Exciting teacher.
Order Self-Exciting Transcripts here.

Sponsoring and Teaching Self-Exciting After Graduation

Upon graduation you can sponsor others or teach classes by playing your audio journeys for others. When you complete this Self-Exciting course, you are eligible to teach the Awakening Your Light Body course by transmitting the sounds of the centers as DaBen does if you have completed the Radiance: Transmitting Light Teacher's Course, and if you meet the other Awakening Your Light Body teacher's qualifications.

To continue to deepen your Self-Exciting experiences, we recommend
Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Courses

LB221 product imageLB126 product imageLB125 product imageLB124 product imageLB123 product imageLB122 product imageLB121 product image

Sanaya: The Frequencies courses are some of my favorites. I love working with them for clear insights and to set the energy for everything I do.

You can work with DaBen's Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies courses before or after his Radiance: Self-Exciting course. As you work with the frequencies you gain qualities of consciousness that change how you experience your mind, thoughts, emotions, consciousness, and ordinary reality. With the Frequencies you build and fill in your light body, giving you a solid foundation to sustain your consciousness in the higher levels of the light body.

Orin provides wonderful guided meditations to transform your life and consciousness. DaBen offers the experience of four incredible frequencies in each of the seven Frequencies courses. The Frequencies offer new qualities of consciousness that allow you to more effectively manifest what you want, including better circumstances, successful projects, harmonious relationships and prosperity. You will learn how to create what you want by working with energy before you take action. Changing your reality in this way allows you to create forms, relationships and circumstances that carry light and work well over time. The Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies courses assist you in exploring and experiencing many new qualities of consciousness that are immensely practical and that will positively affect your ordinary reality.

Additional Study of Self-Exciting Skills

lb932DaBen's Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded  Learn more about Self-Exciting skills; experience the self-exciting expanded spaces. You will explore Self-Exciting in new ways never before presented. DaBen will take you more fully into Self-Exciting states, exploring ways to deepen your experience of being in the flow where you can live in the moment. He will guide you to explore in more depth the skills required to get into and stay on the upward spiral, where everything you do contributes to your increasing light, and you have the skill to use all the energies around you to go higher. You will learn how to use these skills in ordinary reality so you can stay in a flowing, higher-energy state no matter what kind of energy you are around. DaBen will show you how to increase your ability to surrender to whatever experience you are having, to get out of your head, to stop mind chatter, and to become your experience of the higher energies you will explore.

SL104Orin Journeys to go with DaBen's Radiance: Self-Exciting Course
Orin made journeys to go with DaBen's Radiance: Self-Exciting course called Solar Radiance: Becoming a More Perfect Light (SL104). Transmitting and using Self-Exciting spaces, Orin leads you to work with Solar light, one of the most powerful energies in the universe, to create profound changes in your consciousness, in your spiritual path, and in your daily life. As you work with the Solar light you can fulfill the essence of your soul's higher purpose: to become a more perfect light. You can draw Solar light into your mind, emotions, body, aura, atoms, and every part of your life. Bring Solar light into your circumstances, projects, relationships, and activities to enhance all the light that is there, and to release anything that is not light. You will discover how to recognize who and what increases your light, and how to release those things that decrease your light. Choose your path of most light in everything you do, making those choices in every moment that assist you in joining the upward spiral.

Note from Sanaya and Duane to Light Body Graduates

If you have not yet given us your email address, need to change your email address, or if we do not know you are a light body graduate, please create a membership, log-in and let us know about you and to receive our free newsletter.  You can also sign our Guestbook to let us know about you and to receive our free newsletter. All information you give us is confidential; we never share or sell your contact information.



the Orin DaBen Foundation


~100 Years of Light Seminar ~

Evolving the Work of Orin and DaBen

 October 11-13, 2024
Ashland, Oregon

(Live Stream Option Will be Offered)

 Orin and DaBen tell us that we are the Seeds of this work. Each of us who have loved and evolved with these energies for years and decades are the current expression of these light frequencies into earth plane and beyond. As the embodiment of this extraordinary Light, it is a gift to offer it to generations to come.

As Duane often reminded us, we cannot do this alone—we need each other. You are an integral part of the creation of this incoming pattern of Light. Your presence is essential to creating the most richness possible. Join us in person in October as we evolve this shimmering mandala that is our community of Light Beings.

Be among the first to hear NEW works. This Seminar will include previously unpublished material from both our teachers, Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman. There is a small archive of unpublished work which is being lovingly curated by the Board and LuminEssence staff. Some of this work will be shared at the seminar. We expect to also offer journeys and talks from our published archives. There will be live transmissions and teachings from Senior Teachers and some new faces as well. We plan to have Seed/Discovery and Teachers group gatherings. There will be time to play and socialize, too.

We truly hope you will join us in the joy of bringing forth the energies that are becoming the Orin DaBen Foundation. Be a part of these first steps into the future which Orin and DaBen, Duane and Sanaya have prepared for us.


Welcome Home!

The Seminar Committee and Board of the Orin DaBen Foundation

Event Details:

FN100E - 100 Years of Light
Register here)

October 11-13 2024
9am-5pm Friday and Saturday
9am-1pm Sunday
Cost: $375

Refund Policy:
Between two (2) months and one (1) month prior to October 11th a 25% refund will be issued.
Less than one month prior to the event, there will be no refund issued.

Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites
2525 Ashland Street
Ashland OR 97520

Reservations: 855-482-8310

Call the hotel directly at 541-482-8310 and request group rates for
the 'Orin DaBen Foundation' in October to receive a discounted rate

or go online and follow these steps:

·       Visit our booking site at

·       Enter the date of their stay and number of nights

      ·       Enter your GROUP ID NUMBER 658337 in the Group ID field

Important Information:

~ If you’re flying, the closest airport is Medford (MFR)

~ You’ll need to drive or Uber to the hotel in Ashland, about 20 minutes away. There is no shuttle service to Ashland Hills Hotel from Medford. (Uber ride is approximately $25) The hotel is not within walking distance of downtown Ashland.

~ Please register as soon as you know you will attend. It will help the Planning Committee in their setup and planning.

~ Please come in person to have the greatest experience of the energies! There will be recordings made of the seminar. These recordings will be available online as soon as possible, as LuminEssence did in the past. You will receive these recordings in your Member's Area online.

~ There is a restaurant in the hotel Here is a restaurant list from TripAdvisor (updated in February):