Living With Joy Book Revised Anniversary Edition
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Series Title: Earth Life Series Book 1
Type: eBook
Journeys By: Orin
Length: 280 pages
Product Number: LWJ
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Expand Your Potential for Joy!

Orin and Sanaya's Living With Joy Book Anniversary Edition

Revised and updated, book now includes:
New information
Over 300 new Joy Affirmations
18 new Daily Joy Practices for an uplifting day
Stories from our readers
New introductions by Sanaya and Orin
Expanded and updated chapters

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Orin's Living With Joy Book

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Orin's  updated book, Living With Joy, guides you to live a more joyful, loving, and satisfying life. See immediate results in your life as you expand your ability to:

Love and appreciate yourself Open to receive Experience more self-confidence and self-esteem Live in higher purpose, discover your life purpose Take a quantum leap in any area Open your heart Change negatives into positives Create fulfilling relationships Increase your sense of aliveness and well-being

The spiritual truths and transformative meditations and exercises in this book will assist you in opening to your greater potential. Sanaya and Orin invite you to choose joy, release struggle, and open to the power of your innermost being.

Expand Your Potential With the Living With Joy Book

Living With Joy teaches you how to love and nurture yourself, to live a life that fulfills you and to believe you deserve to have what you want. You will learn how to radiate love; be compassionate, tolerant, and forgiving; feel inner peace; open to receive; take a quantum leap; and live in higher purpose.

Discover more about how to increase your self-respect,
self-esteem, and self-worth.

Orin guides you into the art of self-love, where you can accept yourself as you are right now, release guilt, examine how your beliefs about reality create your experience, and open to the love others have for you. You will explore how others treat you as a mirror for how you treat yourself. Orin discusses the nature and power of love to transform your life.

You will look at how to achieve balance, stability and security; gain more clarity; embrace the new; and discover and draw to you your higher purpose. You will discover more about how to create freedom, to value yourself and where you put your time, and believe that what you love to do is your higher purpose.

Connect with the power and love of your soul,
your innermost self.

Orin guides you to recognize who you are, to develop positive pictures about yourself, and how to bring out the higher wisdom, love, and nature of the true self that lies within you. You will explore the nature of spiritual power, and how to release ego based power and open to true, spiritual power so you can come from your power and not your weakness.

You will explore releasing the past by loving it. You can learn to trust everything that is happening is for your higher good, to move you into your greater self.

Develop positive pictures of yourself.

The images you send out about yourself determine how other people view you and treat you. You will explore the images of yourself that you are holding and broadcasting to others. Orin discusses the value of loving people by holding a high vision of them, and becoming the authority of what is good for you rather than making other people and their opinions determine what you do.

In this book Orin talks about how to have more, to trust yourself and believe you can create what you want, to open to receive even more than you have ever allowed into your life, and to discover the power of appreciation, gratitude, and the law of increase.

Stop being affected by the world around you.

Orin guides you to feeling more inner peace through connecting with your deeper self, and how to stop being affected by the world and instead to positively affect it with your peace. You can choose to see the world anyway you want, and to know that inner peace comes from within, not from having the outer world be a certain way.

You can live a life filled with happiness and aliveness
as you follow your path of joy.

There is a new you that is born everyday.  You can grow with joy rather than struggle, and you can create what you want easily and effortlessly. You can take a quantum leap into the light in every area of your life, changing your reality and what you experience rapidly. You can live a life doing those things you love to do, feel joyful, and bring joy to everyone around you as you do.

You live in a limitless world, and you can expand beyond anything you know. Fill your thoughts with what you want and you will have it. Believe in abundance, trust that the universe is friendly, and sound your soul's note of joy as you read and explore how to live with joy.

Books by Sanaya Roman

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Orin's Living with Joy Book Excerpt
Orin's Personal Power Through Awareness Book Excerpt
Orin's Spiritual Growth Book Excerpt
Orin's Soul Love Book Excerpt

Books by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

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Orin and DaBen's Creating Money: Attracting Abundance Book Excerpt
Orin and DaBen's Opening to Channel Book Excerpts

Living With Joy Additional Audio Resources

Additional Resources
View all Living With Joy Products

product imageLiving with Joy 25th Anniversary Edition Audio Book read by Sanaya Roman
Unabridged MP3 Download version of the book.

 L201 Living with JoyAudio Courses to Go with book
Volume 1 Living With Joy 8 guided meditations by Orin to go with book.

L202 Taking a Quantum LeapVolume 2 Taking a Quantum Leap 8 guided meditations by Orin to go with book.

Audio Short Course
L100 Living with Joy SingleLiving With Joy teaches the principles in the Living With Joy book and contains one program of affirmations and a guided meditation by Orin.

Single audio meditations
to Live with Joy by Orin: Feeling Inner Peace; Self-Love; Being Happy; I am Loved, I am Lovable; Getting In Touch With Your Power, and Staying in Your Center.
View a list of all Single Meditations
Visit Orin's Meditation room for a free meditation on joy.

Living With Joy Book Articles and Products on Our Website

Living With Joy book: Learn how to love and nurture yourself, set boundaries, radiate love, feel inner peace, open to receive, take a quantum leap, and live in higher purpose. Sound a note of joy as you move through the day.  Go here to read an Introduction and Excerpt from the anniversary edition of Orin's Living With Joy book.

View all Living With Joy Products including Orin's audio albums to live with joy. 
Enjoy our weekly book excerpt, and our weekly written guided meditations.

Receive a message from the Living With Joy book by going to the "Creating Your Highest Future" room. Click on the Living With Joy book picture, and read the message that comes up. 
Receive your personal daily joy affirmation in the Daily Affirmation Room.

Grow with joy rather than struggle article
Light Play: Knowing Joy: Recognizing the Good in Every Situation
Light Play: Creating Joy: Focusing on the Positive

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