
Absolutely incredible     July 25, 2018
By T. T.  (AZ)
I just started reading Creating Money about a week ago-only on chapter 3 right now-and I can’t even put into words how absolutely incredible this book is! It has changed my life in the most incredible ways. I’ve been studying manifestation for about 7 months but this is the first time everything’s actually “clicked”. I honor you for sharing this with the world.

Amazing results     April 30, 2018
By M. T.  (Canada)
I have just finished reading your 'Creating Money' book and I loved it. I manifested more abundance into my life doing the 'magnetizing' process. And I look forward to manifesting more amazing things into my experience. Now I'm starting the 'Personal Power' book and I'm excited to learn more. Thank you so much!

I have manifested the life I wanted     March 30, 2018
By D. C.  (Canada)
I want to thank you for your work. I was in a very bad spot in my life when I found the Creating Money book. I have read it over and over and the affirmations I have written out so many times, I think they are burned into my mind. I bought the book in 2010 and I was writing in my journal today when I realized I have manifested the life I wanted. I have applied the techniques I read about and I created the peace of mind I wanted. I have manifested so much of what I wanted and now I will continue to raise my efforts to bigger things I want. I can do this and now that I have found this website I have even more help to reach these goals. Your book saved me, at a time that I really felt that all hope was lost and my life was over. I am able now to help others find the same results I have found. Thank you for your work, you have no idea how grateful I am.

Changed my life     August 4, 2017
By D. M.  (Canada)
Hi. I am an entrepreneur and blogger. Your creating money book changed my life. I went from being in the negative $1,000 per month to earning $200,000 per year. Now that I quit my job and am focused on my business, I have been meditating everyday to focus my thoughts around money for my business. I am already seeing results and I want to share your work with others through a blog post.

worked for me     May 22, 2014
By B. S.  (Italy)
I read some of your books in the 80's and was very impressed. After reading the Creating Money book I quit my boring secretarial job and a year later had $350,000 in the bank! I've always attributed this to that book!

This Book Revolutionized My Life     February 10, 2014
By E. M.  (US)
Your audio and paperback/eBook versions of Creating Money have revolutionized my life in terms of how I perceive the energies of the Source(s)of money.....I functioned as a homeless person when I was grateful for every little recyclable that came to me, and over time I was able to overcome that state of poverty consciousness.....all because of the energy of gratitude. I am also grateful for the meditations and beautiful music/energies that you portray when you channel Orin/DaBen, as well as your Higher Selves Who led You to do this higher work.

the best!     December 12, 2012
By H. L.  (NC)
I love this book, re-read it a few times and just recently did again and am using the exercises for other issues as well. It works!

Creating Money Book     September 30, 2011
By J. B.  (Great Britain)
This book changed my life completely. When I bought it in 1988 I thought it would be a "get rich quick" superficially helpful book. Instead, it made me realize that the life I was then living was not right for me, and I was inspired with the courage to trust in something better. I posted my engagement ring through my fiance's door and fled to India. While there, I found that I was becoming reconnected to who I really was, a spiritual being.

On the material side, within a few months I had begun to lay the foundations of what turned out to be, as the book promises, my "life's work". In the last 23 years I have developed a successful career as a hypnotist and lecturer in hypnotherapy. Not only have my material needs been taken care of, but I have the satisfaction of helping others. The techniques in the book work wonderfully for my clients too. I listened to manifesting journeys, and attract into my life people who seem to need this type of work too. I have used Orin's techniques to help many people change jobs and live more fulfilling lives.

I thoroughly recommend this book, and all the associated audio and other works by Orin and DaBen, to anyone who wants to discover that real wealth comes from connecting with the spiritual self inside, and from that connection physical existence on the earth plane becomes much more comfortable and enjoyable.

Turning the Volume up on Positive Thought     July 6, 2011
By A. T.  (CA)
A friend told me about Creating Money when I expressed a feeling of lack more than once to her. I got the book several months ago and am slowly but surely making my way through the chapters and doing the exercises and I can feel a shift happening in how I view my own self worth. I also downloaded the MP3 singles in the Creating Money series. I find these a terrific compliment to the book itself. I feel a sense of ease and optimism and fun that was drowned out before by my fears and insecurities. I've made these meditations and exercises part of my daily routine and I feel an exciting shift taking place in my life.

This book is ultra fantastic     January 13, 2011
By J. E.  (United Kingdom)
The book is really about understanding how to have whatever it is you want, but understanding that what it is you want is really the nub of things - and that it probably isn't money that you want. It also explains extremely well why wanting the money or thinking that you believe you want money and it not coming to you may be the root of your problem, that in actual fact, you really should be wanting something else. This book is ultra fantastic.

my favorite book all time     November 28, 2010
By L. R.  (CA)
This book is the book that keeps on giving. I have bought this book for all of my friends because it has brought such abundance to my life. This is a beautiful book that uncovers truth and creativity in life like a piece of candy; it is so sweet.

Creating Money book changed my life     March 26, 2010
By A. S.  (Mexico)
I read the book Creating Money and Abundance and it changed my life, in a little time I found a better job, the one of my dreams, with all the characteristics I always wanted, of course I feel so good, doing what I like and feeling abundance, without money worries.

I really thank God because He put Orin and DaBen/Sanaya and Duane in my way.

Comfortable Affirmations     March 1, 2010
By M. P.  (Australia)
I picked up a scrappy copy of Creating Money at a jumble sale. I soon went out and bought a good copy out of gratitude.

I have read many books of affirmations and invariably there are some affirmations which just don't resonate with me and one or two affirmations which make me feel deeply uncomfortable or which I find offensive, selfish or screwy.

Yet every single affirmation (the bold sentences punctuating the chapters) in Creating Money sits so right with me and I know I can affirm them without creating competition with others. In fact, by following this path I am helping others. How wonderful, how refreshing!

Thank you.

By -. -.  ()
We have read most of the books ever written about prosperity and Creating Money is by far the best book written on solving the money block. The processes are really dynamite!

By -. -.  ()
Thank you for Creating Money. For the first time I understand exactly what to do. I have already doubled my income in the three months I have used the tapes and book.

By J. C.  (WY)
The Creating Money book and tapes series are THE BEST I have ever come across.

By B. B.  (Slovakia)
I have read your Creating Money and then I went on to read Opening to Channel - I have not succeeded in establishing a verbal contact as yet (or at least not that I am aware of), but hey - I am getting rainbows every so often and it seems that sun comes out from behind the clouds whenever I sit down to meditate or read your books (except for those times I meditate at night time). While reading Creating Money I have sensed a strong wish to become a healer and then a series of "coincidences" have led me to healing practice - I am going to participate in a healing course training in London and facilitate bringing this method to Slovakia. Anyways, thanks to all of you for adding light and love to my life. Thanks for the rainbows - now thats a cool way to communicate! God Bless.

By J. D.  (Spain)
I have been working with the Creating Money book for many years (hmm, my blockages are quite deep-seated). It's a wonderful book (in fact I have bought many copies for friends and work colleagues over the years, because I have found it so incredibly valuable). Likewise with the meditations. I am conscientiously working with the spiritual qualities of abundance on an ongoing basis. I can see I made a lot of progress thanks to both the meditations and the book. What I find with the Orin material is that it's not something one reads once and then moves on. I use it on an almost daily basis. I also listen to the 'Becoming a writer' course. The latter is absolutely amazing. If I spend a few days writing without listening, I notice the difference. When I take the time to listen, the inspiration just flows and seems to come from a 'higher source'. Many good wishes to you all.

By S. M.  (NY)
A couple years ago, I read "Creating Money". It was very helpful in addressing blocks to manifesting materially in my life. After working with the money tapes, last year I manifested a job aligned with my higher purpose. Now I'm working with "Accelerating Your Evolution". I am a healer and esthetician and have been drawn to creating vibrational essences for my clients. I want to thank both of you for your extraordinary energy and spiritual gifts you have brought to all the people you touch. You have touched my heart with your spiritual light and love. I find the energy is incredible now and we are all walking through a doorway to higher dimensions as we birth a new energy into the earth plane. Love and Light

By E. B.  (NY)
I have read living with joy, Creating Money and Personal Power through Awareness, and I have given them as gifts to friends and family. Orin's words assist me on a daily basis in accomplishing the greatest good for myself. No matter what page I open to, it is exactly what I need to know in that moment, as though Orin was talking to me directly, as he is. I love that I am reminded to open my heart, experience more love and gratitude because life does get easier when I follow this path of joy. Thank you!

By J. O.  (IA)
Words cannot express just how wonderful, rich, provocative and soul altering your books Creating Money and Living with Joy--which I read in that order-- have been for me. Thank you Thank you Thank you! I look forward to more of your works and to studying and integrating these two texts more deeply, skillfully and joyfully. Peace, love, joy and the highest blessings!