
It 1000% works!     August 6, 2021
By N. E.  (Great Britain)
I have been listening to Sanaya for many years and one day an opportunity came up for myself and my partner to purchase our half million pound dream home earlier this year. We had no idea how we would finance our dream with zero money. But each day I put on a meditation from the creating money set and visualized us having the house. I dedicated myself to becoming a 'mind athlete' in focusing only on what I wanted to happen. If negative thoughts/emotions came up I was able to redirect and focus on my desired outcome. As a result, the daily meditation from Sanaya helped us manifest a complete miracle. As someone who was previously untrained in how to manifest, I truly now believe that if your desire is that strong and you can focus daily on the desired outcome. It will manifest! Thank you so much. You have helped us remember who we truly are! We are forever thankful!

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance     October 19, 2020
By P. A.  (Australia)
I have read and,now,listened to "Creating Money: Attracting Abundance". Listening is more visual for me and, of course, audible, and easy to stop and contemplate the information and Playsheet exercises.

I love Orin, DaBen and Sanaya Roman's voice and channeling. I have never felt shamed, guilty or upset by the gentle loving wise lessons imparted by this book.

The information of power and energy coupled with clear mindful thinking has kinda rearranged my scrambled thought to one of calm. Not always, mind you, but more often now when I stop for a moment and realize I do have control of my runaway thinking!

In essence, abundance is relative: $100 is the same as $1000 if this is your goal. We have everything we need and the process of achieving is, as they say, the same as having.

Thank you for your awesomeness!!

Love, Peg Adamson

This Book Revolutionized My Life     February 10, 2014
By E. M.  (US)
Your audio and paperback/eBook versions of Creating Money have revolutionized my life in terms of how I perceive the energies of the Source(s)of money.....I functioned as a homeless person when I was grateful for every little recyclable that came to me, and over time I was able to overcome that state of poverty consciousness.....all because of the energy of gratitude. I am also grateful for the meditations and beautiful music/energies that you portray when you channel Orin/DaBen, as well as your Higher Selves Who led You to do this higher work.

Got a Job! Highly Recommended!     October 31, 2012
By B. P.  (MS)
After working through most of the journeys in this course, I've managed to get a job at the campus I am going to at a job I didn't think I could possibly do. The reason is, it's an outcalling job where I talk to alumni of my campus to encourage them to donate to the school and I have horrible phone anxiety. The most difficult thing is calling strangers! But, after getting through the anxiety and pulling all of my theatre experience, I've been able to do very well! I'm also finishing Part 2 of the AYLB course and I've been playing with the Millennium Journeys, Solar Radiance, and Soul Love journeys lately, and they've helped me be clear and upbeat and illuminated for work. I am so thankful for this course in helping me connect with my prosperity guide, clearing the energies and doubts and getting me to a space to just trust the Universe and myself and - boom! Things happen :) Thank you so much for this course! I recommend it! Sure, I'm not a millionaire, but I've got the job I need that is providing me with life experience and helping me clear out doubts, fears, limits, beliefs, and I'm doing something much more important than giving out the next Big Mac at McDonald's (my old job).

Loved it     January 11, 2011
By P. C.  (Great Britain)
I have had this in book format for years and refer to it often. But when I heard it read by Sanaya, it created some really profound and different shifts for me.

Creating Money Audio Book     January 7, 2010
By E. F.  (AZ)
I just can't get enough of this book. I realized that it's perceived quite different than reading the printed Creating Money book (as great as it is). Sanaya's angelic voice so easily penetrates into the brain and consciousness! And you still feel Orin's supportive energy behind it all the time, even though Sanaya just reads the book, but she channeled it many years ago. I always thought that audible is my least developed sense, but visual. Reading books is my favorite activity; I can't speak if I can't understand the grammar and spelling clearly all words of the language (I know 4 languages). And my hearing is not as sharp as other people have. But this audio book really proved me otherwise. I enjoy it tremendously. I don't know if it is that special considering the magnificent source, or my senses open up so well lately. Well I can admit I use many of Orin's meditations and Thaddeus' music every day since last year. I just resonate with Orin and Sanaya so well, I guess. My husband feels the same. We just love all books and meditations of Orin so much. I agree with previous reviewer that hopefully Sanaya will find an opportunity to make audio of all Orin's books; I would buy all of them. I'm sure many people would just love them and benefit a lot from them. It’s my New Year 2010 wish for LuminEssence, let’s pray for that to come true!

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance    
By T. S.  (Germany)
Listening to the audio book Creating Money: Attracting Abundance is a wonderful new experience to get familiar with the skills needed to get a master in manifesting. It is especially very inspiring to listen to Sanaya's very clear voice while at the same time having the possibility to let the thoughts flow freely to have new inspirations and visions. This can be hardly achieved by reading the book. Another big advantage is the possibility to listen to one chapter or the whole audio book as often as I wish. Doing so makes the understanding of the manifesting skills much easier than reading the book, since I usually do not read a book five or ten times. I highly recommend the audio book Creating Money: Attracting Abundance. It is a great supplement to the Divine Manifesting courses. It would be really wonderful if Sanaya could make it possible to create audio books from all the other Orin & DaBen books too.